Oh Felicity. Your description of the market is so beautifully written that even without the pictures I can see everything - I can even imagine trying to balance the big melon. But it's your writing about the optimism of the women who come to the market in their dresses and pretty aprons that touches me so deeply. It takes optimism and courage and faith to plant and to bake and to make beautiful food in the midst of war. Thank you for bring them to us - xoxo Dorie

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Thank you so much. I still remember going into the food market in Kherson in April, it was almost totally deserted as the city is so dangerous - but there was a lady who had come from a nearby village selling the most amazing cream and cheese. I bought some, and I hope she is still doing OK.

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Felicity, you are a poet! Like, I had been there myself and tried everything and saw everybody. It's amazing to have all this during the War. Thanks for your rich article and photos.

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Thank you! I can’t wait to be back there

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I can’t wait until I can visit-when all Ukrainian people are living in safety.

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I look forward to that time so much

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This is the most vivid, beautifully written, hope-filled post , Felicity. I felt I was at the market, tasting that cheese, those walnut-filled prunes, that poppy-seed bread…

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Thank you so much … and I long for the day after victory when everyone can discover it for themselves…

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Oh the delights of a real food market to remind us of what we have lost by congregating in cities at the mercy of supermarkets!

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It’s beautiful, especially right now with all the fruit trees in blossom. We have a spare bedroom if you ever make it to the other side of the globe!

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Thank you! It’s definitely on my big wish list!

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There is a lot to be said for real food!

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It’s why we moved to Tasmania!

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I have a friend originally from there! Although he’s now been in London for 20 years. I’d love to visit one day

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Thanks for the beautiful photos also

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I have so many! But my friend Maria really takes the most beautiful ones.

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